Project | Description | Latest Release |
PIC32MZW1_Matter_Project | “IoT Made Easy!” - PIC32MZW1 Matter example project is added to the code which fork from Matter’s repo | v1.1.0 |
WFI32-IoT | “IoT Made Easy!” - OOB demo collateral for WFI32-IoT board | v3.3 |
PIC32MZW1_AnyCloud | “IoT Made Easy!” - This PIC32MZW1 example application is used for connecting to any of the three Clouds- AWS, Azure or or a server. | v0.3.2 |
PIC32MZW1_BLE_WIFI_Bridge | “IoT Made Easy!” - This example application bridge the BLE link and Wi-Fi to enable Wi-Fi communication and configuration over BLE | N/A |
PIC32MZW1_WebSocket_HTTP_Website | “IoT Made Easy!” - This example application enable a websocket server with the HTTP website, temperature and light intensity value is send to the browser through the websocket connection and display in real time. | N/A |
AzureDemo_WFI32E01 | “IoT Made Easy!” - Connect the WFI32E01PC module to Microsoft Azure | N/A |
PIC32MZW1_WFI32_IFTTT_Action_Example | “IoT Made Easy!” - IFTTT action demo collateral for WFI32-IoT board or PIC32MZW1 Curiosty board | N/A |
PIC32MZW1_LittleFS_over_FTP | FTP server implementation using littlefs filesystem with Wi-Fi link for WFI32-IoT board | N/A |
AzureDemo_AnyCloud | “IoT Made Easy!” - Use the UART of any processor to connect with Microsoft Azure | N/A |
Generated on UTC 2025-03-14 01:48:59.106932